Internet Table-Top Rally Championship 2006
Round 4 - Rally Round Rally
Route Cards

sponsored by
Don Barrow Rally Navigation -

See also Navigational Regulations.

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Version 1 - November 1, 2006 @ 22:00

Version 2 - November 5, 2006 @ 12:30
Correct small typo in RC1 - HTC(Ltm) to HTC(Lt)

Version 3 - November 7, 2006 @ 12:10
Extra instruction in RC5 - Part 1

Version 4 - November 7, 2006 @ 21:50
For Clarity extra LWR in RC11 - Part 1

Version 5 - November 7, 2006 @ 23:00
Diagram in RC4 - Part 1 changed at the start.
Redundant tulip removed in RC9 - Part 1.

Version 6 - November 9, 2006 @ 13:00
Yellow/White diagram in RC6 - extra yellow square for clarity.
29th blue dotted square changed from 6 dots to 4 dots in RC7.

Version 7 - November 19, 2006 @ 11:30
Footpaths may be used in part 2 of RC12

Use the northern half of map 137 only. Treat Grid Line Northing 80 as the edge of the map.

Each Time Control on this event is named after a monster which had to be found and destroyed in the
War of the Worlds Night Trial
that I organised for West Essex Car Club in 1979.

1 - Intellect Devourer/Gargantuan Gargoyle

Start @ B road at edge of map in GS5998.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

via B(D) 113 5599 248 5398/LWR PROW(F) 133 B(D) B(D) B(D) 5897 206

to Intellect Devourer @ next GL.

Master Navigators only

From Intellect Devourer

via HTC(Lm) F(D) 5594 5594 MCA(LC) HTC(Lm) MCA(LC) HTC(Lm) MCA(LC) HTC(Lt) F(D) 3073 4475 F(D) 4575 4696 173

to Gargantuan Gargoyle @ last plot.

2 - Goblin Orc/Bilious Beast

Gargantuan Gargoyle @ SH173 in GS5587.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

via 11 junctions, 3 gradients and 4 spot heights (excluding 173) to Goblin Orc @ the last plot.

Master Navigators only

From Goblin Orc via 10000020010000010100100100

to Bilious Beast @ 100m before Beambridge crossroads.

3 - Evil Earwig/Phenomenal Flea

Bilious Beast @ 100m before Beambridge crossroads.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

via 8 T 953529 T 52529 T 19 T 252 9T3/W 539 T 453529 T 5529 T 69 T 79 T 89 T 852519 T 79 T 79 T 8

Evil Earwig @ last instruction.

Master Navigators only

From Evil Earwig via

2R 2T 1G 2W 1H 34 1J 1L 1M 1N 3I 3L 23 25 27 4C 2B 50 54 30 5D 36 38 71 41 83 49 110 61 155 224 143 1113 1210 1010111

to Phenomenal Flea @ SH209.

4 - Pulsating Plutonian/Galactic Goo

Phenomenal Flea @ SH209 in GS4887.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

via the top route to the Pulsating Plutonian @ gradient.

Master Navigators only

From the Pulsating Plutonian via the middle-left route to the Galactic Goo at YGG in GS4488.

5 - Astra Armpit/Shreaded Slug

Galactic Goo at YGG in GS4488.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

(GL46/B4371) (OOGG) (YYYYW/RD) (OGG) (YYY/RD) (4890) (SO 47666 91603) (GL50) (473½924½) (GL86)
(Ws in GS4489)

Astra Armpit @ A49.

Master Navigators only

From the Astral Armpit now via (n>297B5477/GLmetGL50129Y/RO228GL43147brooGL44/W+rk)

to the Shreaded Slug @ YYYY in GS4497.

6 - Gelatinous Cube/Withering Wraith

Shreaded Slug @ YYYY in GS4497.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

Follow the green route to the Gelatinous Cube in 50 metres.

Master Navigators only

From the Gelatinous Cube follow the other route to the Withering Wraith @ YYW in GS3697.

7 - Cycloptic Saturnian/Marauding Mass

Withering Wraith @ YYW in GS3697.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

via yellow route to Cycloptic Saturnian @ last instruction.

Master Navigators only

From Cycloptic Saturnian via blue route to Marauding Mass @ RRYY in GS3392.

8 - Foaming Frenzoid/Nauseous Neptunian

Marauding Mass @ RRYY in GS3392.

Between junctions on red roads you average 30 mph; on orange roads - 25 mph; on yellow roads - 20 mph; and on white roads 15 mph.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

These are the times it took you (to the nearest second rounded down) to travel from junction to junction.

36 35 45 21 19 25 100 82 120 94 49 40 171 32 151 29 386 65 92 65

to Foaming Frenzoid @ last junction.

Master Navigators only

From Foaming Frenzoid, these are the times it took you (to the nearest second rounded down) to travel from junction to junction ... however, each time you stay on the same colour of road between consecutive junctions you increase your speed by 5 mph. The speed resets to normal when you start a new colour.
For example, in a sequence starting Y, Y, Y, Y, R, R, Y, Y your speeds would be 20, 25, 30, 35, 30, 35, 20, 25.

83 16 172 14 169 88 23 4 5 19 16 52 159 142 36 44 91 126 65 271 70 72 66 74

to Nauseous Neptunian @ northernmost YOO in GS3286.

9 - Dastardly Dalek/Germinating Jovian

Nauseous Neptunian @ northernmost YOO in GS3286.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

Dastardly Dalek at next junction (YYW).

Master Navigators only

From Dastardly Dalek via

to Germinating Jovian @ YYRR in GS3185.

10 - Giant Tick/Malignant Martian

Germinating Jovian @ YYRR in GS3185.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

On the way to the Giant Tick at the entrance to Pentiken: cross the River Clun four times; cross the River Unk three times; avoid 2980; use two white roads; and pass through 12 gradient arrows.

Master Navigators only

From the Giant Tick go via 397 568 675 1480 1770

Malignant Martian is at the last plot: SH406 in GS2389.

11 - Slimy Spider/Orrible Ooze

Malignant Martian @ SH406 in GS2389.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

via the following: E LWR E LWR N E E E LWR N N E N LWR LWR E E E N E E N E N E N E N E N
to Slimy Spider @ next SH.

Master Navigators only

From Slimy Spider via the following:

E? E? E E E N E N E E/N E E N e E E E N E N E N N w E e N N E N E E E N E w E N E E N E N E e N E N E w e N E w N E e N E N w E N? N? E

to Orrible Ooze @ Perthybu.

12 - Metamorphised Mercurian/Menacing Mutant

Start @ North Skeet (chequered square).

You can download a larger version of this map from here.

In working out shortest routes each "square" or footpath (red dotted line) equals 1 unit.

Master/Expert/Novice Navigators

via the following:

splash hazard yump +20% wet +14% GW TTTT footpath shhh! pedestrians? are crossing TL RT RT TL steep boggy mud? H2O uphill shortcut attention

to Metamorphised Mercurian @ ford.

Master Navigators only

From Metamorphised Mercurian via the following (passing through all the partial squares shown):

(Footpaths may be used if required)

to Menacing Mutant at last square.