Panglossian Rally 2010

Route Card 12 (Shank's Pony)

Route Card 12 (Shank's Pony)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 337426, N 103211) to (E 348844, N 95133)

Use your 4x4 for this one since you'll be scaring ramblers as you traverse footpaths and bridleways. Geocachers will be familiar with what is known as a multi-cache. The concept is closely related to rallying. You are given a starting point (think Time Control) where you will find a clue (think cache or Passage Check) which will tell you - by a puzzle or exact location - where the next clue is located. You continue from clue to clue, with the last one pointing to the finishing point (Time Control or final cache).

In travelling between the points take the route which uses the least amount of road i.e. keep to footpaths or bridleways where possible.  Unlike roads, footpaths/bridleways passing through buildings and appearing the other side are considered "Through Paths".

The interactive map is linked above.

Start at SH 191 near Grighay Fm. Click on the map here (or close by) to reveal a marker. Click on the marker for the clue to the next point. There are 27 markers/points in total. Marker 1 == TC1. Marker 14 == TC2. Marker 27 == TC3.

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Your route is defined by TC1 > TC2 i.e. Marker 1 to Marker 14.

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Your route is defined by TC2 > TC3 i.e. Marker 14 to Marker 27.

Route Card Commentary

OK, this route card was voted as "least liked" with an average rank of only 5.9. I chose to present a "footpath" challenge as it's a new idea, only introduced in Round One of this competition, and I always think it's good to keep bringing fresh ideas to the TTR. Also it was much more popular in Round One than you scored it here. With that wonderful thing called hindsight, I can see that I shouldn't have chosen an area of map with quite so many footpaths!
There was some confusion as to whether the "use least road" condition overrode the "shortest route" rule. Yes, it does on this route card. Again, I hadn't thought to clarify this further as you had encountered the concept in Round One. (Apologies to those who have joined the TTR in this Round Two and struggled without the experience of Round One.)
This was a tough one and I owe thanks to competitors who pointed out that my map solution had errors where I hadn't followed my own instructions! An updated solution map has been given here. On the plus side, there were no route checks requiring alternate answers.

RC4 - there were no gradients on the route. This question was posed to check that you used the footpath to avoid the gradient in 3899.
RC5- the answer cannot be 277 as this is a trig point, excluded by Regulation 19, but there is a dot on the footpath for SH276.

Route Card winner: David Bell

Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1ETL7 6GC4
2RD16 7GS-E4800
3O>Y2 8GS-N4502
4^0 9Ch6
5Penultimate SH276 10T3