Panglossian Rally 2010

Route Card 7 (Fishing anyone?)

Route Card 7 (Fishing anyone?)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 320038, N 105895) to (E 331457, N 97817)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

TC1 at h in 3098 - depart SSW.  Continue via (left to right)

All the yellow roads are shown to help.

TC2 at next GL

Part 2 (Masters Only)

From TC2 proceed via

TC3 at next GL

Route Card Commentary

I was very pleased with the generally good performance on this one, not least because it indicated I had got something right!
Now, I hate herringbones but you can't have a TTR without them, can you? Only one confirmed error in the bone, very near the end of part 2 where I included a yellow which actually changed to white and was NTR - well, I was worn out by the time I completed the design! This led me to accept two possible answers for the last route check.

RC10 - Those who missed the error (like me) and those who guessed that was the mistake ended up a grid line 21 which was the intended end. The only other alternative was to go as far as you could, ending up at grid line 22 which was also accepted as correct.

Route Card winner: Iain Tullie

Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1Br2 6< ?8
2Ch+7 7W>Y5
3Y>W5 8ETL4
4GC6 9Br3
5Finish GL01 10Finish GL21