The Panglossian Rally 2012

Route Card 3 (Map Numbers)

Route Card 3 (Map Numbers)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 355000, N 445000) to (E 365000, N 439000)

There are 16 PCs on route.

TC1 @ 55404 44088

SE56774059 41 58374022 4242426142 NNE58374184 5743 ENE60534391

S61694298 62024352 9962944320 ESE61883988

TC2 @ next SH

There are 16 PCs on the route.

Note: You will have to use the longer southern route at Beacon Fell Country Park because of a one-way system.

Route Card Commentary
Mixture of map references (mr), gridlines (gl) and spot heights (sh) as follows for each group of numbers:

mr, gl, mr, gl+gl+gl+gl+gl+gl, mr, gl+gl, mr, mr, mr, sh+mr, mr