The Panglossian Rally 2012

Route Card 5 (Circles)

Route Card 5 (Circles)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 364000, N 151000) to (E 374000, N 145000)

There are 24 PCs on route.

TC1 @ SH202 in 6547


Proceed via these timely junctions:
0932 0135 0820 1030 0810 0805 0646 0348 0332 0328 0148 0306 0657 0657 0539 0332 0146 0300 0655 0553 0511 0749 0404 0613

Then depart gridlines in degrees:
69 57 121 207 158 257 118 183 190 179 84 51 79 183 82 351 278 88 159 245 240 81 159 54 88 149 108 89 38 344 359

Now, let's play darts! - approach junctions from these scores:
17 15 19 18 6 1 4 9 13 2 15 6 5 20 10 3 14 17

TC2 @ next nearest SH.

There are 24 PCs on the route.

Route Card Commentary
The timely junctions required you to approach a junction from the "hour" and depart by the "minute". So, for the first instruction, you approach from "09" ie from the West, and depart to "32" ie very slightly West side of South.

Departing gridlines in degrees : simply depart the gridline using the value of the compass number given. For the first instruction "69", leave the gridline at angle of 69 degrees from North, or roughly ENE. Leaving GS 6750 seemingly had two options. The departure angle of 207 was what was required to leave by the most easterly of the two options.

Just find a dartboard and approach junctions from the number given. For the first instruction "17", this number appears on the dartboard at the bottom between "3" and "2", so approach the junction from slightly East of South. Due to a last minute re-route to comply with Autopilot, the third instruction - "19" - was not actually required in this sequence.