Schoolfrenz Rally 2010

Route Card 11 (Ingliston Notes)

Route Card 11 (Ingliston Notes)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 234350, N 673080) to (E 245770, N 665000)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

TC1 at SH71 in GS3566

Proceed via the following (in order)







to TC2 300m after last instruction

Part 2 (Masters Only)


From TC2 proceed via the following

Tighten Seat Belts, Helmets on, 5...4...3...2...1...Go

100 SqL 300 SqR 450 Lg Op SqR 400 SqL 100 L > into 4L

400 2R into HpR 450 6R 400 6L 250 6R into SqL into SqR

at T 350 8L 300 Lg 2L 200 Slot SqL 150 Slot SqL 350 Op SqR

350 SqR at T 250 ! L R Kink over XR 100 SqR at T 150 Slot

4L 80 4R 200 2L 100 HpL at T 550 8L into Slot 8R 450 Slot

HpL 600 3L 150 SqR at T into Slot 7R 200 7R 200 Slot SqL

200 Slot SqL 100 3R > 6R 300 2L 100 2R into SqR into Slot

HpL 150 6R 400 Slot HpL 250 5R into Slot SqR at XR 250 Slot

7L into R into Slot 8L 800 R 150 3R into 6L at T 150 2L 150

Slot HpR at XR 100 R 450 HpL at T 350 R 150 SqR at T 150

8R 100 Slot SqL 100 SqL into HpR 250 SqR 250 SqR at T 250

Slot SqL 350 SqR at T 200 R 150 2L into 8L 150 8L into Slot

2L 200 7R 200 Slot SqL at XR 100 SqR at T 250 SqR into 2L

into 6R 150 SqR 200 R 100 Slot SqL at XR 150 Slot SqL at

XR into 2L 250 R 100 SqL at T 600 3L 200 R into SqL 150

Lg R cont for 200 350 L into R 250 7L into 2L 500 4L 100 R

450 Slot 3L 200 6L at T 100 Slot SqR at XR into Lg 4R 150

Lg 2R 150 SqR at T 150 SqL at T 50 Flying Finish 200 to

TC3 at Gate

Route Card Commentary
Part 1 - Many thanks to Phillip King for pointing out the error in the first line of instructions early on which allowed me to update the Route Card for everyone else. Unfortunately there was still a slight problem near the end but I think most people who had got this far got to the finish. Quite difficult for the Novices and Experts with quite a few Masters commenting that Part 1 was harder than Part 2.

Part 2 - I was trying to think of a good way to define the route round Ingliston and decided to try writing pace notes from the map. Surprisingly this worked well and most people enjoyed them.

RC2 - One short bit of Yellow used near the end just after an extra instruction so I've allowed 2 answers here because it depends how people have interpreted my mistake which route they took here.

RC8 - Ambiguous I of Ingliston, but the rest were well defined.

Best on Route Card: Iain Tullie
Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
4W>O3 9GL714
5GL722 10GL705