Schoolfrenz Rally 2010

Route Card 12 (Colourless)

Route Card 12 (Colourless)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 247350, N 265080) to (E 258770, N 257000)

Underlined Junctions are very close together but not quite crossroads

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

TC1 at MS in GS5458

Proceed via the following (in order and the order of colours is significant)




to TC2 at BrO

Part 2 (Masters Only)

From TC2 proceed via the following (in order but the order of colours is
not significant, just take the shortest possible route)




to TC3 at Farm

Route Card Commentary
An area of Wales I know very well but possibly not enough roads to make a challenging route, so this was the highest scoring Route Card.

Part 1 & 2 - After the Forum discussion and the Regulation update to crossroads, I was trying to be helpful by pointing out a junction which could be interpreted in 2 different ways. Unfortunately some people thought it referred to the staggered crossroads in the middle of Cilcennin, and others thought it referred to the junction further North by SH169. It could really have been either so the shortest route rule should have been applied but as a similar junction was used in Part 2 which looked identical to the one at SH169 a lot of the Masters thought they should use this in Part 1.
So I decided the fairest solution was to allow both routes.

Best on Route Card: Alex Hoult
Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1W>Y5 6Y>W4
2GL595 7GL514
3^3 8GL574
5Last SH56 10Y>O4