Schoolfrenz Rally 2010

Route Card 5 (Google Maps)

Route Card 5 (Google Maps)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 547690, N 207500) to (E 559110, N 199420)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

TC1 at Witney Green. Transfer the Google interactive map (the red route) to your PDF map.
TC2 at Y>W.

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue by joining together the 10 white sections in any order from the same Google Map.
Finish (TC3) at end of last section.

Hint: You can usually use your mouse wheel to zoom-in and zoom-out on the Google Map

Route Card Commentary
Part 1 - The usual full Google Maps route didn't cause too many problems with just a few people missing the loop round High Ongar.

Part 2 - Small sections of Google Maps not in any order but an obvious finishing point near to TC1 was designed to make the choice of route simpler. A few Masters tried to use the white in Fyfield but magnifying the P + by the Yellow shows that the + is surrounded on 3 sides by building colour instead of white colour so this is clearly an NTR.

RC1 - I decided the e of Stanford Rivers was ambiguous but everything else was well defined.

RC8 - I decided the e of Pennyfeathers Farm was ambiguous but everything else was well defined.

Best on Route Card: Mike Biss
Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
2W>Y4 7O>W3
3GL002 8lettersh,i,t,t,l,l,m,b,f
4ChS2 9GC21
5W>R3 10BrO4