Schoolfrenz Rally 2010

Route Card 8 (Feature Length)

Route Card 8 (Feature Length)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 554050, N 168080) to (E 565170, N 160000)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

TC1 at "<" in GS5760

Proceed via (in order)

n      yw      F     e     n     >       sV    

a      ETL    au    P     O     O       ETL    

ro    gn      Ga    <    Fa    ETL    68    

TC2 at end of last feature

Part 2 (Masters Only)

From TC2 proceed via the following lines of instructions
The lines are given in the order you should use them
(but the instructions in each line are out of order)

ETL   ETL   1    5    6    a    F    t    M    a    P    

<     s     i     l     l     H    e    L    P    S    

>     1    7    8    9    h    a    s    t    e    

0     2    4    g     i     V    o    V    i    P    

ETL   ETL   ETL   ETL   ETL   <    P    H    i    L    

to TC3 at "s"

Route Card Commentary
As someone commented, finally a good use for those dreaded Letters!

Part 1 - Various map features to find with ETL's added to help define the route. The loop in the NW corner had 2 difficult to see bridges but otherwise ok.

Part 2 - Same as Part 1, but the features were out of order in each line. The t missing in Line 2 was pointed out by some, but by the time you'd got that far there was only one way to go. The final line caused a lot of discussion and comments, more than I expected, but I think features are accurate to the actual route.

RC2 - "West" was supposed to determine whether you'd used the whites to get a shorter route to Crowhurst but unfortunately the t was 200m from the Yellow to the East so I had to allow both answers here.

Best on Route Card: Glynn Hayward
Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1BrO3 6T6
3ChT2 8Y>R5
4GL587 9GL607
5GL645 10GL655