This Rally

Route Card 10 (Click Here)

Route Card 10 (Click Here)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 499000, N 179400) to (E 512500, N 170000)

There are 34 PCs on route.
TC1 @ 500414,179074
CRO. This route is a bit mad. Click CAREFULLY and AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO and at the following points in the following order, and let AutoP(i)lot draw the route for you. I have special dispensation to site some PCs and TCs on motorways.
499857.2,179218.2 500236.8,178663.9 500457.4,177865.0 499255.2,177477.6 500382.4,177548.7 501146.2,178640.7 501851.8,178948.5 502141.8,178442.6 501774.5,177019.0 500422.7,175891.9 500011.0,174637.8 500924.3,173053.8 502818.7,171982.5 502653.2,170875.5 501242.6,170468.0 500832.4,171265.3 499474.5,171292.0 499279.0,173188.4 499108.2,173536.6 499242.3,173466.9 499810.1,172938.4 501994.1,172049.4 503242.5,174779.0 504342.0,174635.6 504899.9,175355.8 504468.9,176075.6 504049.9,176823.6 507248.4,178794.6 506465.8,179088.6 506196.7,177811.3 507309.1,177660.0 507882.7,176944.5 510206.1,176993.2 509453.4,177463.1 509315.1,178821.9 509661.5,179116.4 511163.0,176533.3 512249.4,175285.5 512131.8,175035.9 511051.7,175553.0 510590.1,175433.9 510138.3,174219.2 510293.3,173415.9 510588.6,173070.8 511326.5,171847.4 510249.7,171637.1 508615.9,170865.5 507723.1,170920.0 507382.5,170547.9 505671.5,171252.0 504659.7,173721.0 505266.1,174246.4 506285.9,171567.4 506716.5,171164.8 507470.5,171786.9 507848.5,173014.3 508992.9,173792.9 509001.4,174108.0 510094.4,176087.4 506650.9,176785.1(EOR))
Route Card Commentary
Now for something completely different. Lots of zero penalties.
You loved it, or hated it, erring towards the latter.
Got to try out ideas. I can't please all the people all the time.