Thalamorph Rally 2010

Route Card 12 (Thalamorph)

Route Card 12 (Thalamorph)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 290000, N 123000) to (E 301420, N 114920)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

As many of you may know, among his many and varied activities, 'Crow' has written several novels, the latest of which is entitled 'Thalamorph', due for publication in 2011. As this event shares that name, I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate some form of story into a route card in some way. This has been done before, where you get a long passage of text to read through, from which you must extract relevant information to plot the route. The idea is that you waste time reading through the text but have to be careful not to miss anything. Well, it's working so far, we have reached the end of the first paragraph and I haven't even told you where to start from yet!
So where should our little adventure begin? How about one of the finest surviving Gothic Revival houses, built in the lush landscape of mid Devon, a rare example of the work of the eccentric and inspiring architect William Burges? You'll find the place just North of Tiverton, it's a National Trust property and fortunately for you, the name is marked on the map for this section. TC1 is where the 'h' covers a yellow road.
From here we want to head Northwards, but you will be travelling by bicycle, so you need to join National Cycle Network route number three as soon as possible. I should point out at this stage that your route needs to follow roads as normal, there will be no trips down footpaths, bridleways or the like, unless they happen to fall on a road, that is. Re-join the yellow road and carry on past a few dead-end roads and straight over a crossroads. That's more than enough green circles for now, so take the next road on the left. Unfortunately you are quickly back on the cycle route so this time you turn right, just before a GC. I wonder if we will have to count these at the end of this section?
Now this looks an interesting place coming up on the left, do you think it will tell us if it's going to rain? Pass as close as possible to have a good look. As soon as you can, turn right onto a white road that goes into some trees. Three Gates? No, actually it looks like you pass through five before you re-join the yellow road. Turn left at the next crossroads, before crossing grid line 00 twice in quick succession. (Here is a thought - If I tell you here to ignore the regulation about ignoring things in brackets, do you ignore it or not?). Turn right at a spot height with the same value as the OS Landranger sheet containing Chesterfield.
No route choices to make for a little while, until you have passed through some Forestry Commission land. Then you have three junctions in very quick succession, go left twice and then right. (White on the right, white on the left). Is the next junction a crossroads? Not easy to tell, you had better carry straight on. Next you are looking to pass through three spot heights totalling 707.
Hang on a minute, I think we will turn sharp right before the last of these. Next you will go up a Steigung 14% bis 20%. If you haven't worked it out by now, a copy of the 1:50 000 key might be handy for this section. I think it's on the Table Top Rally website somewhere to download if you don't already have one. You might need it again soon. Turn right, left, left and right at the next four junctions, then left again at the next one. This should put you on an 'autre route', from here you need to take the shortest route, including a short section of 'other route with public access', to get to a 'Nebenstrasse'.
This is probably all very simple so far for the Masters, well they still have part two to look forward to. We are drawing near the end of part one now, so TC2 is almost within sight. It's actually less than a kilometre as the crow flies but you aren't going the direct route. Turn left onto a yellow road, uphill through a gradient arrow and then turn right onto a white. Approach and depart the roundabout on the A396. At a staggered crossroads turn off the 'route principale' and pass through six red diamonds but no gradient arrows, to the end of part one at the next junction.

Part 2 (Masters Only)

TC3 at last instruction.
Route Card Commentary
Part 1
You had to read the text carefully, many did not turn RIGHT onto the white in 9521, you had to go all the way down the B rd and back up the yellow to do this. This (perhaps harshly) cost you marks for both RC's 4 and 5.
RC2 - The second 'C' (Huntsham Castle) was an dodgy one so two solutions allowed.

Part 2
It was probably easy enough to work out is was a THALAMORPH code, from 1 to 0, meaning that A = 3 or 5 and H = 2 or 0. Then you had to separate the list out correctly - it's easier to show the solution than attempt to describe it:
95 179 94 22 22 93 22 93 SO 102 93 92 91 22 22 239 91 91 91 92 93 21 93 93 98 93 92 92 20 92 S9177519350 19 237 18 92 226 9216 9316 9216 9316 9315 9316 94 109 17 9400017225 18 18 18 93 161 19 93 94 19 18 18 106 9419 9519 9520 20 96 19

RC9 - With at least five ambiguous Letters there could have been a huge number of solutions here. However, only 8 are needed to cover everyone that appears to have gone the right way. If you have still got it wrong, it means you missed one of the definite ones somewhere!
Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1GC42 6W>Y5
 7< ?17
3GN9,2,9 8Ch3
4GL217 9Lettersb,t,s,e,W,e,r,o,f,k,a,O,m,s,l,H,h,Q,u,o,t,t,a
5'Bowbierhill'N 10MR93402168Y