Thalamorph Rally 2010

Route Card 5 (Lots of Lines)

Route Card 5 (Lots of Lines)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 415550, N 462510) to (E 426970, N 454430)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

TC1 at Hartwith Church (2161)

Cross grid lines in the following directions (in order):

SE   ESE   W   NW   LWR   NW    NW    WSW    SSW    SW    W    SW    WNW    NW    
WSW    LWR    SSW    S    ESE    NE    NE    SSE    S    NW    WNW    SSW    SSW    ESE
NE    NNE    S    WSW    WNW    SSE    SE    W/SW    S    SSE    LWR    E    ENE    SSE
ENE    N    W    ENE
to TC2 at next junction

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue via:

Then via these Y's only
Then as before
to TC3 at next MS

Route Card Commentary
Familiar territory for those who have competed on any Ilkley & District Motor Club events.
Birstwith 'Maze' was a notrious area in the 80's when I started road rallying. Sadly too many houses in the area now so a table top is perhaps the only time anyone will get lost here!

Part 1
Direction of travel as you crossed grid lines, a couple of tricky ones but generally no problems. RC2 also formed a part of RC5, not intentionally.

Part 2
Starting and finishing with the colour on which you cross grid lines. The dashes were where there was no possible change from the previous crossing.
The ?'s indicated a dubious crossing of GL57.
In between, the Horizontal and Vertical yellows caused some head scratching. You had to interpret LWR as longER way round on the first visits to 2459 and 2257.
The 6 V's in a row were then achieved by using the w at the top of 2258.

RC6 - 6 or 7 allowed as it was hard to distinguish if the SW side of the triangle in 2458 was y or w.
RC9 - Several answers allowed due to the number of dubious letters.
Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1T5 6Y>W6
2W>Y3 7GL238
3SH143,146,125,91,123,205,251,277,147,255,237,211 8GS-E2558
4'Craggs'Y 9letterse,h,t,o,y,l,e,s,i,t,s
5W>G + W>O + W>Y6 10Ch8