Thalamorph Rally 2010

Route Card 6 (Old-fashioned Map Bits)

Route Card 6 (Old-fashioned Map Bits)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 416000, N 488970) to (E 427420, N 480890)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

TC1 at SH 158

TC2 at SH as shown.

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue via the following incomplete squares, not in order:

To TC3 as shown.
Route Card Commentary
Completely back to basics with this one, tracings instead of map bits. I make no excuses for them being hand drawn.

Part 1
With one exception, the tracings were alternate squares. Using the white in 1787 to approach T from the West was not the shortest route and gave an incorrect answer to RC4.

Crow kindly reduced the size of these tracings to fit them on the page, which made your task a little more difficult.

RC6 - 11th tracing didn't make it clear whether to use the S layby in GS 2687 so 3 or 4 allowed.
Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1Y>W4 6O>W3
3T3 8ChT + T7
4YYY(2)1787 9DB(2)2382
5SH2136 10GL(30)86