The Thalamorph Rally 2012

Route Card 11 (Tax Evasion)

Route Card 11 (Tax Evasion)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 526000, N 186000) to (E 539000, N 177000)

There are 35 PCs on route.

You will probably hate this route card. If I could 'autofill' the ranking as zero then I would. If you have been frustrated by Autop(i)lot up to now, then this card may make you angry enough to throw your computer against a wall. However, I was determined to make this idea work, it has taken much swearing and grumbling but eventually I have arrived at what I hope is a workable route card. So I am only putting you through the same grief to try and solve it that I have been through setting it. I could have been really nasty and made it a timed section.

Start at 'Go' (TC1) on Y near The Olympic Stadium. CRO (at OS 1:50 000 level) except where specifically instructed.

Use the following in order:

TC2 at last location.

Additional Rules

a. Use the Standard British Board.
b. X means change direction, continuing until told to change again.
c. W indicates that the location is on or is a white road. Use as short a distance as possible on other whites to link to and from coloured roads.
d. S indicates that there is a special instruction or clue relating to this location. These are listed in order below.
e. If you land on Chance, you must visit a 'Non-Roman selected place of tourist interest'.
f. If you land on Community Chest, you must visit a 'selected place of tourist interest', one is a football stadium and two are cricket grounds. You can decide which order you visit them.
g. For Road or Area Names, your route must pass through some or all of the wording of that exact street name as shown at Street View zoom. If the street name appears more than once, you do not need to visit it more than once. Travelling along that street without passing through the name does not count.
h. For Buildings or Places, your route must pass through the section of coloured road which is closest to the building / place (as long as it is not an NTR) at OS View. If two (or more) sections of road pass immediately alongside a building (e.g. it is a corner building), your route only needs to pass along one of the sections.

Special Instructions & Clues

1. As this is London I doubt it will be free.
2. Site of the old London one.
3. Disused, as seen on a Pink Floyd album cover.
4. An area not a street, additional rule g still applies.
5. New.
6. Great.
7. The street you want is a dead end, so pass as close as possible to the open end of the street (on a white).
8. Pass through both parts of the name.
9. Two famous Georges have served time here in recent years.
10. The last woman to be executed in the UK was hanged here. Mark the TC at nearest point on a coloured road to the building at Street View zoom.

The route should be plotted at Street View Zoom using Autop(i)lot where possible. You will need to switch AP off and plot manually on many occasions, as AP will often force you round one way systems when you don't want to. Be particularly careful with dual carriageways shown at Street View. If they are not dual at OS level view, then they cannot be used in both directions and any barriers / central reservations shown at Street View should be ignored, you will need to turn AP off if you want to plot 'through' them. To make your task even more difficult, in places there is quite a big 'offset' between the OS and Street Views.

Route Card Commentary
Perhaps I should have kept this and route card 12 as a separate event to run over Christmas! As I said in the instructions, I was determined to make this work, unfortunately most people were running out of time so either weren't able to make an attempt or skipped it in the hope that card 12 would be easier ... The basic idea is to visit all the squares on the Monopoly Board, except Income & Super Tax (hence the route card title). I won't go into too much detail here, in case anyone wants to try and work out the route for themselves - over Christmas maybe or while you are still in the psychiatric ward recovering from this event? Before you say it, yes it is probably me who should be locked up in an asylum ... You had to use the dice rolls to determine the order you visited the squares on the board and once you had listed all 37 places to visit, then grapple with AP to plot a route. You need to start with 4 dice in your hand, so your first move was 20 spaces from 'Go' to 'Free Parking'. I could have told you about the dice but you should have been able to work out that something odd was going on by the -2D, +3D, etc later in the instructions - telling you to decrease or increase the number of dice for each shake. You can find most locations on street view, but Google, Wikipedia or a good old fashioned encyclopaedia are needed to find some, e.g. the old London Water Works and the two prisons (Just Visiting and Jail). Very well done to the four of you who got close to the solution, Nigel Parish the best on 20.