The Thalamorph Rally 2012

Route Card 3 (Killer Kielder)

Route Card 3 (Killer Kielder)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 360000, N 595000) to (E 373000, N 586000)

There are 19 PCs on route.


Be particularly careful with No Through Roads. Remember, all roads that lead off the plotting area and all 'dead ends' are NTR's and should be ignored, both in plotting and marking your route.

Note also that a fire break is not considered a road. See example to the left. The road from the SE corner stops and becomes a fire break at the gate next to 'The Cross', so this road is classed as a NTR. The fire break continues and 'crosses' the road running WSW to ENE, but this is not a junction.

TC1 @ SH 154 in GS 7286.

Via the following junctions in order. Bridges and colour changes are included to assist you.

TL, MR, TR, LT, LT, ML, TR?, Br, MR?, onto white, TRX, AP off, Br, MR, TL, TR, TR, ML, TL, TL, TRX?, TR, MR, TL, Br, TR, LT, TL, TR, TR, TL, RT, AP on, MR onto yellow, Br, ML?, ML?, RT, ML, TR, MR, TLX onto white, RT onto yellow, Br, ML, TL onto white, TL, Br, RT, MR, TRX, ML, MR, ML, LT, AP off, MR, RT, TR, MR, RT onto yellow, TR onto white, LT, RT onto yellow, TR onto white, MR, TL, LT, TR, SOX, MR, RT, ML, ML, TL, LT, AP on, Br, Br, RT onto yellow, ML, TR onto white, AP off, ML, MR, TR, LT onto yellow, MR, Br.

To TC2 at next Grid Line.

Only parts of this route can be plotted using Autop(i)lot (AP). You should start plotting with AP switched on, turning it off and on as indicated in the route instructions. When plotting manually, mark your route at OS 1:50000 Zoom 2 only (do not use Street View), mark your route with straight lines from junction to junction. You do not need to try and follow the path of the white roads.

Route Card Commentary
As mentioned on the forum, this card was intended as a 'warm up' for RC6. The relaxed straight-line marking was a bit of an experiment, which turned out not to be everyone's cup of tea. For this reason I probably won't be repeating it if I set future rounds. I was caught out by my own 'NTR' traps, as there were two LT's that should not have been listed in the instructions, however most worked these out. PC5 had to be cancelled, so is missing from the solution map, however please note that the marking system 'closes up the gap', so the penalties listed for PC's 5 to 19 on the results actually relate to numbers 6 to 20 on the solution map.