The Thalamorph Rally 2012

Route Card 6 (Dangerous Fish? (Timed))

Route Card 6 (Dangerous Fish? (Timed))

Plotting Boundaries: (E 391000, N 151000) to (E 404000, N 142000)

There are 20 PCs on route.

N.B. This Route Card is timed to the second. Your times for Route Cards 2, 6 and 10 will be added together and used for tie deciding purposes.

AR. For this route card only, all 'No Through Roads' are counted in the route instructions.

TC1 @ SH 168 in GS 9250.

Go via in order:

TC2 @ SH 94.

The route cannot be plotted using Autop(i)lot. You should switch Autop(i)lot off and mark your route manually with straight lines from junction to junction at OS 1:50 000 level. You do not need to try and follow the path of the white roads.

Route Card Commentary
Herringbones with no NTR's to worry about. The first four lines were straight forward. The 'circular' bone starts below the crossroads on the far left and works clockwise. The next line worked right to left and the final one left to right. The general standard of plotting was good considering it was against the clock and without AP. The last junction in 9147 and the Imber loop in 9648 were difficult to plot at OS view and required manual intervention to remove penalties, one of the reasons why this relaxed marking method should perhaps only be used occasionally rather than for an entire card.