Dummy Rally Name

Route Card 1 (Northern Sights)

Route Card 1 (Northern Sights)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 333500, N 1015400) to (E 347000, N 1006000)

There are 12 PCs on route.
TC1 @ 346115,1013300
I do take you to some unusual places!

CRO. Ignore all whites and NTRs (except at the beginning and end).
Careful clicking required in Kirkwall town centre.
EOR @ 342691,1007849
Route Card Commentary
No problems here. Lots of zeroes. Yes, there was a obscured/missing MR in the town, but you didn't see it or easily worked round it. I didn't want to update the route card because my spiral would have been spoilt.
Did you spot Crow Ness in the Bay of Kirkwall?
The hints were: 1) The "centre tulip" is significant 2) The tulips spiral clockwise 3) You CAN go W to E on Burnmouth Road with careful clicking.
Best performance: Bart den Hartog 14:56.