Thalamorph Rally 2018

Route Card 12 (Nice vU)

Route Card 12 (Nice vU)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 361000, N 150400) to (E 374500, N 141000)

There are 23 PCs on route.
TC1 @ Cloford Church
CRO via: NNW14221,62899SSE NNW10409,62222W SSW07855,64947N N10190,68594ENE SE10752,69097NNE NNW12404,68033W WSW12215,67691SSE S11078,67884SW E10266,67408 09808,65767 09241,64616 10599,64306 16170,65849 16785,65732 SSW17542,66002 SSW16886,66725ESE 17691,68289 E15630,66959NNE 13190,67374NNE SE13274,68047 NW14553,68084NE 17001,69990 16063,69868
EOR @ 13683,69218
Route Card Commentary
Your alternative co-ordinate system this time was the War Office Cassini ('WOFO') Grid which you can find here:
The map references decoded to: NNW370359,142087SSE NNW366556,141369W SSW363974,144065N N366268,147735ENE SE366824,148244NNE NNW368487,147199W WSW368302,146855SSE S367153,147035SW E366357,146551 365917,144905 365363,143749 366724,143454 372275,145057 372891,144947 SSW373645,145225 SSW372981,145940ESE 373769,147512 E371723,146160NNE 369280,146548NNE SE369357,147222 NW370635,147273NE 373061,149205 372124,149072
EOR @ 369753,148397
You needed to be vigilant at the Nunnery Catch roundabout since Google had a (sometimes!) habit of encircling the roundabout. This was a double use of a road and had to be avoided (Reg 7) but didn't conflict with Reg 8 because you could place a defining point between the roundabout junctions.
Hints: 1) The WOFO grid image 2) WOFO, Cassini 3) You had the full list of references above.
Best performance: Ewan Leeming 137:25.