Thalamorph Rally 2018

Route Card 5 (24)

Route Card 5 (24)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 320500, N 282900) to (E 334000, N 273500)
This is a Redo Route Card.
There are 20 PCs on route.
There are 24 ways to describe the passage through the four sides (NSEW) of a grid square. Enter from any side, leave from any side = 16; start in a square and leave to a side = 4; enter in a side and finish in a square = 4. I have ordered these combinations in a particular (logical) way and numbered them from 01 to 24. Now go CROW via:
TC1 @ T in GS3176
01 23 11 22 19 07 16 24 06 22 19 08 14 07 16 24 07 17 19 08 13 11 23 14 09 08 11 24 08 14 07 17 19 07 16 22 19 07 18 13 13 13 14 08 13 14 07 19 07 17 19 07 16 22 16 22 19 07 18 14 07 18 13 13 13 14 06 24 07 19 07 16 22 17 19 08 12 19 08 13 11 23 14 08 11 21 23 11 21 23 13 10
EOR @ 100 metres after last instruction
Route Card Commentary
Time for some logical deduction. This is the required scheme of 24:
000000000111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 ----EEEEENNNNNSSSSSWWWWW ENSW-ENSW-ENSW-ENSW-ENSW

CROW upset a few competitors. This was not a CRO typo! Look at the list of abbreviations (Regulation 19) = Coloured Roads One White. PC16 was on the one, and only, white that fitted the instructions.
The hints were: 1) The numbering starts: -E(01) -N(02) -S(03) -W(04) E-(05) EE(06) EN(07) ES(08) EW(09) 2) The full sequence is: -E,WS,NE,WN,SW,EN,SE,WW,EE,WN,SW,ES,NW,EN,SE,WW,EN,SN, SW,ES,NS,NE,WS,NW,EW,ES,NE,WW,ES,NW,EN,SN,SW,EN,SE,WN, SW,EN,SS,NS,NS,NS,NW,ES,NS,NW,EN,SW,EN,SN,SW,EN,SE,WN,SE, WN,SW,EN,SS,NW,EN,SS,NS,NS,NS,NW,EE,WW,EN,SW,EN,SE,WN,SN, SW,ES,NN,SW,ES,NS,NE,WS,NW,ES,NE,WE,WS,NE,WE,WS,NS,N-
Best performance: Ewan Leeming 36:39.