The Nearest FarAway Place Rally 2010

Route Card 1 (Spot Frights)

Route Card 1 (Spot Frights)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 233660, N 386031) to (E 245085, N 377949)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Start at SH49 in GS3579. TPs may be used.

Proceed via the following: 37  47  41  36  38  42  72  85  87  67  58  to finish at 66. 

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Now via           

then via

and now

throughout Part 2 minimising your distance on orange roads. Finish at last plot.

Hint: Think Numeric Pad

Route Card Commentary
An easy start with spot heights.

The part 2 coding was the matrix position of keys on a numeric pad. The symbol for 5 and 8 were identical but the via spots were easy to resolve. The correct sequence was 69, 109, 77, 57, 81(TP), 71, 75, 49, 97, 85, 112, 101, 81, 66, 48.

Route-wise there were a few options.
I viewed the distance via LLwydiath Esgob Fm about the same as via Clorach, which affected the answer for RC6.
I was generous about whether SH77 or SH57 were visited before the B5111 lay-bys - hence the alternatives for RC8.
There was a debateable GC in GS3583 (RC2). For RC7, (E)sgob and (L)lechcynfarwy were possibles.

"Yikes, this was only card 1." Roger Ashmead
"Lovely route! The hint was really needed. The 2nd numeric pad I tried (low numbers top) worked." Tim Hare

Route Card Winner: Alex Hoult

Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1GL365 6GC8
3Ch+3 8O>W7
4T1 9GL809
5Y>O3 10GS-W3682