The Nearest FarAway Place Rally 2010

Route Card 3 (Witney Wander)

Route Card 3 (Witney Wander)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 429444, N 217471) to (E 440864, N 209393)

Use the interactive map to place your controls.

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Take the shortest route from TC1 > PC1A > ENEPC1B > NNEPC1C > PC1D > PC1E > TC2.
But avoid (SH143) (MR34001584) (+) (3)

Part 2 (Masters Only)

TC2 > WNWTC3 via the shortest route through five PCs.

But avoid () (SH11*) (GS3614) (MR435134210293) (X)

Hint: The * is a wildcard.

Route Card Commentary
Part 1 led to unwanted penalties as some competitors failed to follow the instructions correctly when they had placed their controls. By far the biggest omission was not approaching PC1B from the ENE.

When the results startled to arrive it suggested that there was perhaps an alternative, quite different, route for part 2. There was, and one that was less than one percent different in distance. I commented on this in Bulletin 15 and ended up by allowing both versions. (Alternative 1 PDF here).
Since publishing the solutions a third route has been proposed! Having spent several hours measuring and re-measuring, the three routes came out as 66348, 66619 and 66732 metres long. Because of the immeasurable difference (by hand rather than my digital gizmo) I have accepted all three. (Alternative 2 PDF here).

This has led to the various alternative answers.

"Took me ages to suss out to move the tokens. d'oh" Mark Dunkerley
"Nice One! Counted all the right churches this time." Steve Barber

Route Card Winner: Iain Tullie

Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1T3 6Y>W4
2ChS2 7Ch+8
5GL167 10BrO3