The Nearest FarAway Place Rally 2010

Route Card 4 (Big Welwyn)

Route Card 4 (Big Welwyn)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 513019, N 222180) to (E 535326, N 206399)

Your Route Checks are based on what you see on this large scale map.

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Start at  18641485ENE  then via  18221680  19021841  21191819  20641993  17222020
15891846WNW 14891727  13501414  14221447  13891359  13891319WSW  14371185
16741242  16920957.
Finish at 1834 1029.

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue via 47.237',17.169'  48.234',16.918'  48'46.68",14'34.92"  TL22791337  523114212445
48.963',12.268'  524819215260  51'13.44",6'43.44"  52.783',6.641'  TL33041898
50'1.74",4'38.16"  531473216945  SETL30621376  47.125',6.191'.
Finish at  S45'52.68",7'29.46".

Hint: 1' = 60"

Route Card Commentary
An experiment to vary the type of maps you have to deal with. This seemed to give more deliberation than I wanted.

Some had difficulty in accurately plotting on screen the disparate points of large grid, small grid and longs/lats. Actually it didn't matter too much from a route selection point of view since most of the plots were kept away from junctions. I was overly generous on LETTER and other marking, particularly near the end, due to uncertainties whether letters broke the road or white roads were usable. Still there were many mistakes the most common being omission of the T at "Thundrid".

The RU (Railway Under) questions provoked much debate. Since there was no visible bridge (requiring a bridge symbol or spacing between the railway track and road) over the road, a track covering the course of the road is defined as a level crossing (with or without the LC) and is therefore a RO (Railway Over). The required answers in both cases were 0. This was clarified in the Forum.

Not a popular Route Card. The worst average score, most dropped for the best 10 and only one perfect score.

"Got a bad neck now wear varifocals!" Dee Rampling Lee
"Afraid this isn't my idea of table top rallying." David Bell

Route Card Winner: Anthony Davies

Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
2RU0 7RU0
3O>W2 8WWW4
4O>Y5 9W>Y6
5GL206 10GS-E3316