The Nearest FarAway Place Rally 2010

Route Card 9 (Red (& other colours) Herrings)

Route Card 9 (Red (& other colours) Herrings)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 354850, N 190767) to (E 366269, N 182689)

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Start at the T in GS5585. Continue via (left to right):

Finish at the last plot.

Hint: since this diagram has a white background, white roads are not obvious.

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Continue by these unordered diagrams (all run left to right). Finish at a T.

Note: Please pass quietly through the Elberton area in case you deviate from the intended route. Gavin Rogers (organiser of Round 3) does not want to be disturbed by noisy navigators doing U-turns outside his home.


Hint: The first diagram starts the middle row - but you'd probably sussed that anyway.

Route Card Commentary

A coloured herringbone. The crossroads used a double length bone rather than the usual arrow. There were some differences between the displayed maps and PDF master maps (as explained in Bulletin 14) which required caution, otherwise there were few problems - just a possible GN2 under a GC.

"That was hard work!" Monica Dowson
"The spacing of the herringbones doesn't cater for any extra whites - or am I being too Teutonic?" Robert Owen

Route Card Winner: Mike Biss

Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1BrO8 6ETL19
2ETL6 7GC43
3Ch5 8SH124
4GL605 9Y>W3
5GS-E6187 10GN6,1,6,2