The Nearest FaraWay Place Rally 2012

Route Card 1 (Simple Spot Heights)

Route Card 1 (Simple Spot Heights)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 550000, N 214400) to (E 563500, N 205000)
This is a Redo Route Card.
There are 9 PCs on route.

TC1 @ SH55 (GS5706)

via the following spot heights ONLY:

63(hidden), 82, 64, 55, 48, 69, 85, 88, 86, 71, 65(hidden)

This is a fairly tricky start so I've decided to give you the [grid lines] to cross between
spot heights AND there is relaxed marking when you use any white roads. Just
mark the points where you join and leave white roads so a straight line joins them.
Mark the route in detail at all other places.

It gets better. This is a REDO Route Card. You may re-plot and re-submit as many times as you want.

[58], [07], [07], [59], [06], [60], [61], 63(hidden), [06], [61], 82, [60], [07], 64,

[60/08], [08?], [09], [60], 55, [09], [59], [08], [58], 48, [07], [57], [06], 69, [56],

[06], [07], [55], [08], 85, [09], [55], 88, [10], [56], 86, [56], [11], [56], [12], [13],

[56], 71, [14], [55], [14], 65(hidden), [54], [53]

TC2 @ SH55 (GS5213)

There are 9 PCs on the route.

Route Card Commentary

Not a lot to say really. As a REDO Route Card everyone should have re-submitted until zero penalties. Some got carried away with marking the whites in detail, but sussed their mistake when the PCs on the "straight bits" were missed.

Best on Route Card: Dave Dimbleby in 34:55.
Least Visited Control: PC4. Deliberately tricky to avoid SH57, but you had to "straight line" almost through it.