The Nearest FaraWay Place Rally 2012

Route Card 2 (Crossing Grid Lines)

Route Card 2 (Crossing Grid Lines)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 556000, N 295400) to (E 569500, N 286000)
This is a Redo Route Card.
There are 10 PCs on route.

TC1 @ 6900 9500

via the following grid lines:

69 69 69 69 94 68 93 68 92 69 69 68 91 90 68 69 89 69 88 68 87 67 87 88 88 88 67 89 67 66

89 65 64 64 64 89 63 62 89 88 61 88 88 60 88 89 59 89 88 59 87 59 87 87 58 87 88 57 88 88

89 90 91 57 92 58 LWR 59 92 60 60

TC2 @ at the next grid line.

There are 10 PCs on the route.

This is a REDO Route Card. You may re-plot and re-submit as many times as you want.

Route Card Commentary

Best on Route Card: Dave Dimbleby in 18:48.
Least Visited Control: TC2. Great care required for placing the control on the road (at Zoom 4) at the "next grid line" 91.