The Nearest FaraWay Place Rally 2012

Route Card 3 (Schematic Tulips)

Route Card 3 (Schematic Tulips)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 273000, N 71400) to (E 286500, N 62000)
This is a timed to the Second Section.
There are 16 PCs on route.

TC1 @ SH185 (GS7363) depart SE

via the following in-order schematic tulips:

I've occasionally included extra information to help you in case you get lost.

This is a twisty route and the master route uses about 300 points to exactly define it. This will be good practice for map marking.
I haven't put PCs on tricky bends, they are all on fairly straight sections of roads.
You will probably be able to guess where the PCs have been strategically placed, so mark carefully around obvious loops.

This section is also "timed" to the second.








TC2 @ at the next spot height.

There are 16 PCs on the route.

Route Card Commentary

No major problems here.

Best on Route Card: Mark Aspinwall in 1:22:43.
Least Visited Control: TC2. Just a few were off plot for the finish.