The Nearest FaraWay Place Rally 2012

Route Card 4 (Simple Map References)

Route Card 4 (Simple Map References)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 246000, N 230400) to (E 259500, N 221000)
This is a Redo Route Card.
There are 12 PCs on route.

TC1 @ SH116 (GS5625)

via the following road junction map references:

NW580 253NE   S576 278SW   N554 268S   SSE546 241NNW   NNE526 227W   WSW517 239ENE   532 281   E520 265N

TC2 @ at SH224 (B4310)

There are 12 PCs on the route.

This is a REDO Route Card. You may re-plot and re-submit as many times as you want.
Route Card Commentary

Just careful plotting of approaches and departures required.

Best on Route Card: Dave Dimbleby in 18:57.
Least Visited Control: PC9. A few missed the loop through PC9.