The Nearest FaraWay Place Rally 2012

Route Card 5 (Coded Spot Heights)

Route Card 5 (Coded Spot Heights)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 413000, N 106400) to (E 426500, N 97000)

There are 9 PCs on route.

TC1 @ SH6 (GS1497)

via the following coded spot heights:

4   3   5   11   6   13   (10)   13   (4)   9   5   3   (5)   9   (10)   8   9   Crow!   (10)   (14)   (12)   10   11

TC2 @ at 10

There are 9 PCs on the route.

Route Card Commentary

The spot heights were coded by adding together the digits of their values. You had to avoid the bracketed ones.
You should have passed through 13, 12, 23, 29, 24, 49, (64), 76, (22), 27, 23, 12, (14), 27, (19), 17, 18, (19), (59), (66), 73, 47, 55. You went through Crow via the shortest route.

Best on Route Card: David Whittock in 41:58.
Least Visited Control: PC6/TC2. A missed PC plot on the white for some; A missed TC plot for others.