Competitor Profiles
Steve Barber 2019
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Steve Barber Championship 2018/2019 Report

Steve was 3rd Overall in the Winter Championship 2018/2019

Here's a photo of me with the medals, my trusty Basic equipment potis and Basic Roamer, items which I get a chance to use on table top events and they still go out with me on Friday night 12-cars.

I enjoy more and more doing the Internet table-top series. It throws up new challenges in the traditional route cards and great amounts of stress on the real time legs.

The tension that builds just before opening a route card, the frustration suffered when I am up against the clock to get to the finish then an obstacle pops up and delays you, particularly autograph hunters just around the penultimate bend.

My navigator always seems to have a weak bladder. All this is surpassed by the wave of relief when I press the submit button and find that I finished before going OTL and If I was lucky, got the correct route.

The whole event is very well run and supported from start to finish. The Internet Application works very well.

The navigation difficulty is about right for the real time sections although it takes a bit of time to tune in when presented with a string of characters or a bunch of tulips. The navigation legs are extremely tough or tedious but It's a great feeling when you have been sitting looking at the navigation for hours, or even days, then a you have a light bulb moment and everything clicks into place.

Looking forward to the next one, not too soon though!.

Steve Barber

May 2, 2019