The Nearest FarAway Place Rally 2010

Route Card 8 (Tiptree Trickery)

Route Card 8 (Tiptree Trickery)

Plotting Boundaries: (E 587330, N 217938) to (E 591793, N 214781)

Navigate according to the street map. Answer the questions based upon what you see on the 1:50000 display map AND the 1:25000 PDF map.

Part 1 (Masters, Experts and Novices)

Start at the Keepers Cottages on Haynes Green Road then:

and Finish at the next junction.

Part 2 (Masters Only)

Abj gnxr gur ybatrfg ebhgr erznvavat gb gur rqtr bs gur cybggvat nern. Gur ebhgr purpx dhrfgvbaf ner gur fnzr nf sbe cneg bar.

Hint: A logical letter substitution code

Route Card Commentary

Another variation of mapping types.

Part 1 caused some head scratching about whether to include the air (brown) spot heights. However no decision was required since if you followed the instructions correctly the first five spot heights were black (ground) ones. Many missed the 51(1:50000) on the B1023 in the middle of Tiptree and most missed that the 54 on the B1032 was represented twice, in different locations, on the 1:25000(25) and 1:50000(50) maps. The correct sequence was 46(25) 51(50) 52(25) 54(25) 54(50). SH43 wasn't included - rule 19.

Part 2 was easier once you had solved the simple encryption A<>N B<>O C<>P D<>Q etc, a code which would have been familiar to geocachers which gave the clue "Now take the longest route remaining to the edge of the plotting area. The route check questions are the same as for part one." There was however a dilemma here. The truly longest route only contained four undisputable spot heights. The (off-route?) 58 at the staggered B road crossroads in Tiptree was included by some to complete the set. So I allowed Route 8: 71(25) 69(25) 67(50) 68(50) and 62(50), and Route 8A: 71(25) 69(25) 58(25)/68(50) 68(50)/67(50) and 67(50)/-. (Alternative PDF here)

"Mystified!!! Different maps had different spot heights. I used the PDF map to spot mine." Francis Tindall
"Ouch this one was tough - lack of experience perhaps." James Hustler

Route Card Winner: Mike Biss

Route Check Questions & Answers

Alternative answers are shown on separate lines.
Alternative sets of answers are shown with dividers.

NoQuestionAnswer NoQuestionAnswer
1SH146 6?71
2SH251 7?69
3SH352 8?67
4SH454 9?68
5SH554 10?62